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The Grand Hyatt Manila - 2018 

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Veritown 14 tower development by Federal Land Inc. 

Bilkey Llinas Design (Hong Kong) invited Stephen Gormley Associates to collaborate in the main lobby design development of this project. 

SGA developed the design of the main lobby glass columns, including all the structures, glass fabrications, lighting and installation.


SGA total scope of this project included : Main lobby glass columns, lighted glass lobby platforms, lobby glass center table, reception desk glass sculptures, gold-leaf entry glass door pulls, lobby bar glass sculptures.

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Bilkey Llinas Design team

Rowena Berroya, Hyatt GM, Oscar Llinas, Stephen Gormley, Robert Bilkey, Graeme Potter

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Main Lobby Glass Columns - 8 meters tall by 2 meters diameter

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The Main Lobby lighted glass platforms with a custom textured safety glass 


Reception Area : Glass Center Table 


Polished solid glass legs.

Embedded gold leaf 15 cm dia.

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lighting the center table

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Reception desk glass sculpture

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Glass Sculpture @ Lobby Bar  (8 pcs)

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Detail Glass Sculpture

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Example Gormley Glass Gold leaf door pulls

5 cm dia solid polished glass

with metal leaf in gold, silver, or copper

Gold leaf glass door pulls on 8 doors

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Heat formed glass detail on main lobby glass columns


160 Heatformed curved safety laminated glass panels 23mm thick.


Packing of structural steel frames, glass bars and curved glass panels for export to Manila 


Delivery and unloading crates at Grand Hyatt Manila 2017


Framework and lighting done / Installation of glass panels


Safe and careful installation

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Grand Hyatt Manila main lobby mezzanine level view

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